
Top 10 Cognitive Distortions That Fuels Depression & Anxiety

Do we keep telling/listening to statements like, “I have the worst luck in the entire world”?

I just failed that math test. I’m no good at school, and I might as well quit

All the above maybe prime examples of cognitive distortions.

That is, thought patterns that cause people to outlook reality in an erroneous/incorrect ways – (usually negative)

Cognitive Distortions

It is the broken-down or wrong thinking, insight or belief which results in negativity and experienced from time to time.

Few of us think distorted thinking as a temporary glitch. Usually we get upset when we fail some test. Instead of accepting the fact that we need to prepare more, we simply say that weak at math and we keep moving on and continue our routines.

Top 10 Cognitive distortions and nature of thinking

Types                           Nature of thinking
 Polarized Thinking It is a black & white thinking with two extremes- angelic/evil
Overgeneralization People reach conclusion based one event and then apply that incorrectly
Catastrophizing Leads  people to assume the worst when faced with the unknown
Personalization Taking things personally when they’re not connected to or caused by self at all
Mind Reading People  assume & act on what others are thinking
Mental Filtering This pattern is the tendency to ignore positives and focus exclusively on negatives
Discounting the Positive People tend to discount the positive by saying it must be an accident/luck
“Should” Statements Thinking in terms of what “should” and “ought” to be said or done
Emotional Reasoning It is the false belief that emotions are the truth
Labeling This can cause people to criticize which cause real problems as no one wants to be labelled

Does Cognitive Distortion cause anxiety?

The answer is …of course Yes

These prejudices very often strengthen negative thought patterns and as a result, it can very much lead to increased anxiety and difficulty to manage everyday stress.

 Symptoms :

  1. Mind often going blank and tensed
  2. Difficulties in concentrating
  3. Always anticipating worst outcomes
  4. Absurd uncertainties and fright
  5. Uncontrollable, compulsive thoughts
  6. Feeling as though one is going senseless

Can depression and anxiety cause cognitive impairment?

Yes, it can very well impair our system in a broader way.

  1. Weakens our attention and memory.
  2. Damages information processing and decision-making skills.
  3. Lowers the ability to adapt goals and strategies on par with changing situations.
  4. Lowers the ability to take up self – initiatives to complete a task

Thinking errors can cause, and be caused by,
depression & anxiety


Depression & anxiety are two important dip cycle tools which can bring anybody mentally or psychosocially down. Therefore, the more depressed we feel, the more we get wired by thinking errors, and the more we get wired by thinking errors, the more depressed we feel.

To break this venomous circle, we need to identify and analyse our thinking errors and successfully challenge them to change ourselves.

With total understanding of cognitive distortions, we need to change depression to determination and anxiety to awesome abundance.


How to make yourself mentally and physically strong

As we all know, love and anger are the two most powerful energies in the world.

Science strived to ascertain the type of chemicals released by the brain and the types of hormones secreted by different glands in the body under stress, and it has achieved fractional success as well.

The inference that science drew from these experiments was, human beings know-how the urges of diverse emotions because of specific chemicals released by the brain.

In leadership, there are times when you need to be mentally tough to steer through complex information. In life, there are times when you need to be mentally sharp, to make good decisions fast.

In those times you need to be mentally strong. That means managing your emotions, adjusting your thinking, and choosing to take positive action whatever your circumstances.

But like any physical strength, mental strength doesn’t just happen. It has to be developed.

Things to do:

  1. React and respond positively
  2. Must be mindful
  3. Embrace hard times
  4. Be aware of self-talk
  5. Erase “Can’t” from mind
  6. Trip toward success
  7. Focus on the moment
  8. Challenge oneself
  9. Find solutions then & there
  10. Be Fearless
  11. Control  in mind
  12. Commitment to task
  13. Skill Acquisition
  14. Confidence in self
  15. Take decisive actions
  16. Think Long-term
  17. Express all moments
  18. Build Character
  19. Be grateful
  20. Stumble toward success

Self- learning from the Past is a must

One must think and have analysis on self

  1. List of events that have been most stressful for me
  2. How did these events typically affect me?
  3. What have I learned about myself?
  4. How were my interactions with others during difficult times?
  5. What factors have helped make me feel more hopeful about the future?

As we all know, resilient mindset is a flexible mindset. As we encounter traumatic circumstances and events in our life, it is helpful to uphold flexibility and stability in the following ways.

Let us know-how strong emotions, and realize we may need to put them aside in order to be effective and concrete in our decisions.

Being proactive and stepping forward to deal with our problems and meeting the demands of daily living is a much important and then it is also a must factor to know when to step back and reboot oneself.

Above all, spending time with loved ones is equally important.

Certain ways to improve Mental Stamina

Mental Stamina is like a grown fusion between perseverance and flexibility.

  • Positive thinking
  • Visualizing ability
  • Setback plans
  • Stress management
  • Adequate sleep

Mental strength improves as your physical strength increases. Regular exercise keeps you feeling mentally balanced, content, and resilient. To be physically strong and healthy one has to take care of the following:

  • Exercise daily – 45 mts of exercises
  • Eat right food and portion your meal
  • Get good sleep
  • Stay motivated


To get a much better and stronger   mind, we need to do the right thing and follow through. Same way, we need to be as deaf frogs to criticisms and better to focus on matters what makes us happy.


Top 10 work stress management tips for better work life balance


Most of us presume that maintaining a work-life balance is easy. Is that true?

Outlining work-life balance involves looking at how employed people manage their time spent at and outside of work. Various approaches an individual uses to manage all their work and life demands establish their work-life balance.

How to manage stress?

What is meant by work-life balance & when is it said to be good?
Striking a balance between domestic work and office work with zero % stress is known as work-life balance.
A healthy & good balance of life is said to be like “Meeting all timelines at work while still having time for friends and hobbies.  Same way we having enough time to eat & sleep properly and not worrying about work when you’re at home”

Beautiful ways for keeping your personal issues out of office

  • Use six thinking hats concept – Logic, Emotion, Caution, Optimism, Creativity and Control
  • Take up a hobby & keep doing that regularly
  • Make time for non-work friends
  • Take reasonable breaks
  • Set aside time for personal & enjoy with family
  • Put your phone away
  • Accept that work is part of life
  • Communicate openly on likes & dislikes
  • Think yourself as a helper sent by the God to this world
  • Find your outlet
  • Do not take anything to mind
  • Never confuse with priorities
  • Take things lightly
  • Always think “I Can”

Finally, Whatever you do, do it out of happiness and not for happiness

Top 10 work stress management tips for better work life

You may have a To-Do list with more than 50 tasks on it, so you need to prioritize those tasks into four quadrants as “Important & Urgent” categories or “VED- Vital, Essential & Desirable”

  • It is important that at the end of each working day, you need to perform a little self-analysis. Ask yourself what worked today, what didn’t, what went wrong, why and how the issue can be fixed.
  • Focus on your strengths. For example, if you’re not an expert at accounts or graphic design, you can outsource them instead of wasting time.
  • Personal issues can be tempting to bury yourself in your work. You must not forget to include family commitments
  • Plan & create a timeline of your activities.
  • Working includes getting a comfortable chair, electronic gadgets, etc
  • You can save lot of time using technology by having meetings on Skype or conferencing technologies
  • Most importantly, invest in time-tracking tools. That way, you can effectively estimate how long your subsequent work task will take.
  • It rejuvenates your energy levels and enables you to foster the creative thought that is essential to every individual who loves & lives it.
  • When fear or self-doubt or anxiety creeps in, do some works on your mental health such as meditation or reading books you love.

All stress icebergs will melt out and keeps you love more what you do by spending time with your loved ones that will lift you up and support you both personally and professionally.


Top 14 ways for women to ease discomfort during menstrual cycle?

Lifestyle of many women changes during their monthly menstrual cycle. They suffer from mild to severe symptoms, pain and discomfort. Most of the women suffer from pre-menstrual cycle discomforts and few others during the cycle. In case of severity, medication may be needed. Menstrual cycle treatment can help stabilize mood swings and also improves women’s emotional well-being in the week’s pre-menstruation.

To make it comfortable, women can take a hot shower and enjoy a relaxing and restful environment. Intake of warm beverages like a cup of normal or herbal tea or hot water could help in a greater way and provide a big relief.

Common symptoms are:

Stomach pain, Irritability, Body pain, Knee pain, Depression, Hypersensitivity, Crying, Feeling nervous and anxious and Flashing sadness/ anger

Top 14 ways to ease such discomforts?

  1. Hot water bath with aromatherapy oils could give a big sense of relaxation both physically and mentally
  2. Stomach & Back massage would help some women.
  3. Intake of small and frequent meals at regular intervals (six times a day instead of three big meals).
  4. Wear loose fitting & comfortable clothing during monthly cycle
  5. Hot water bottle cuddling
  6. Few physical activities like yoga, stroll will give positive moods
  7. Endorphins- Feel-good brain chemicals  are released during exercise
  8. Exercises boost energy and help with spasms and bloating
  9. Sweets, Caffeine, Alcohol to be avoided
  10. Intake of plenty of calcium eases mood shifts
  11. Regular intake of curry leaf juice and amla juices keeps the body system fresh and energetic
  12. Plenty of other fresh juices need to be taken during this period
  13. Usage of (Kasturi Manjal) turmeric powder throughout the body & especially in the underarms give anti-bacterial action and germ-free.
  14. Bathing twice a day and changing clothes especially inner wears 2-3 times a day would give a very big comfort the whole day.

Exercises on the first few days help to ease the muscles and enhances blood supply to the pelvic area.